Key iPhone Stats 2023
iPhone Usage Statistics 2023
iPhone App Stats 2023
What percentage of the world uses iPhones?
23.4% of the global market is claimed by the Apple iPhone. In the U.S., the share of smartphones was dominated by iPhone with 65%.
Is the iPhone more popular than Samsung?
In 2021 Samsung actually beat out the iPhone with 272 million phones shipped in the year compared to 235.7 million iPhones being shipped.
Which was the most sold iPhone?
The top-selling iPhone is the iPhone 6 as well as the iPhone 6 Plus with an estimated revenue of between $65.2 and $68 billion dollars. Within just a single quarter over 71.5 million units of the iPhone 6 were sold.
Even though it still experiences competition, the Apple iPhone has a strong presence in the smartphone market. As it continues to innovate, Apple will continue to see its iPhone as a top seller and a coveted purchase. About