Read below to find out more.

Key Site Speed Stats 2023

Average Website Load Time Statistics

Average Page Load Time by Device: Mobile vs. Desktop

Average Page Load Time by Industry Statistics

Average Page Load Time last 2021

Google Site Speed Statistics

Average Load Time of WordPress Sites

Website Load Time Impact Statistics

The Effect of Load Time on Customer Loyalty

The Effect of Load Time on SEO

The Effect of Load Time on Conversion Rate

The Effect of Load Time on Checkout Rate

The Effect of Load Time on Bounce Rate

Website Speed for Businesses Statistics

The Effect of Load Time on Revenue

Future Importance of Site Speed Statistics

What is a good site load speed?

Ideally, you will want a website to load within three seconds. If you’re running an eCommerce website, you should look at having your loading time less than two seconds. This will reduce bounce rates, improve conversions and increase the average order values on your website.

What is a good website response time?

A good website responsive time should respond to the request in less than 312ms. This would place your website within the best 20% of websites. A good response time not only allows you to have your website load quicker, but it can also help you rank higher on Google and other search engines.

What is page speed in SEO?

Page speed is a combination of factors that determine how responsive your website is to user requests. For instance, factors like how long until the first readable content is ready, how long until the server responds to the quest, and other items are included within the search ranking of your website.


The site speed of your website is really important. The above statistics show you how your revenue can be impacted by a slower website speed. About

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