It is true that we are all running against time these days. But spouting off a blog just for the sake of hitting the deadline is not worth it. Considering that audiences get access to thousands of very well-researched and compact articles, today, you should bless your stars if you get even a handful amount of traffic. Again, just a well-researched blog is of no use if the presentation of the same is not done in a user-friendly manner that enhances readability. So if you do not opt for the apt presentation then you will not be able to catch the attention of your audience. That is why here an attempt is being made to present to you the perfect anatomy of the blog so that you can attract maximum traffic and enable more sharing on social media.  

Title of the Blog: One of the most powerful tools for brand recognition happens to be your blog title and that is why it is essential that you provide an interesting title that is visible both at the top of the blog as well as above the subscription button. Irrespective of whether your blog is service-related, or industry-related and catchy or is an all-business one, you want the visitors to remember and associate the company’s blog name with an area of expertise or thought leadership.


Intro: The opening paragraph or the introduction is another key element of an effective blog as it gives the readers the answers to the key questions like the subject matter of the blog or why you should bother to read the blog or what they will get from you.


The Main Body: The main body of the article happens to be the longest portion and that is the reason why it is essential that you do everything in your power to ensure that it does not look boring. In fact, research reveals that readers tend to read only 28-30 percent of the blog during an average page visit. This means that most of your blog will just be skimmed through and won’t be read. That is right. So now you have to make every attempt to make your blog post look interesting which you can do by following the things written below.Bold the Key pointsBullets and List points are mustOpt for Good usage of Sub-headingsUse Quotes in ItalicsUse Images


The Image: The visuals are able to set a long-lasting impact in the minds of people. They work along with the headlines to capture attention and catch the eyes of the people. That is why you should incorporate interesting images that go with the subject of your blog post.


Blog Subscription Button: Visitors who find your blog post to be helpful and trustworthy are willing to come back in the future, too. That is why you should make this simpler for them by including a blog subscription button in a prominent place on your blog page. Make sure to keep it simple by only requiring email address along with how long they will require email qualifications too on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

    The above are some of the tips for constructing a blog in the right way that will help to boost the affectivity of your digital marketing strategy. If you can follow this anatomy for your well-researched blog every time it is sure to fetch desirable results for your business in the shortest span.