Rather than looking it as blogging vs podcasting, it’s better to frame the question in a different way – should you publish your message via blog or make it head via podcast? Both will have certain pros and cons which you can weigh in before choosing the one that suits your brand ethics perfectly. After all, if blogging is all about the written words, then podcasting is about voice.

Podcasting vs Blogging

There will be a marked difference in the audience type for podcasting and for blogging. Your podcast audience will be one with a taste for voice, tone, tonality and textural command in consuming the brand message, while for blogging, the audience is more inclined towards devouring the authority of the world, hidden meanings of sentences and so on. While it’s quite tough to find people to read your blog beyond a few minutes, in podcasting, you may end up with an audience ready to devote even a full hour to your message, provided they feel the connection. And when the voice is the medium of conveying a brand message, it’s possible that the audience may feel connect with the person delivering the message rather than the brand.

When the message is delivered in the textual form via blogging, there are fewer chances of readers getting infatuated by the person responsible for the message

With podcasting, the elements like voice accent, tonality, authority, humor and energy can help listeners connect with the podcaster

Despite all the benefits and vocal charms associated with podcasting, it’s still in a nascent stage as far as a medium of marketing is concerned

Not a lot of people around the world know about the podcast, least about tuning into them and connecting with brands

Blogging, however, is not marred by the depth and reach and penetration, as reading as habit still outnumbers listening in the digital world

Most importantly, unlike blogging, podcasting can’t deliver SEO advantages, at least till now and that’s why textual content is good for marketing


Blogging vs Podcasting: Efficiency Analysis

It’s true that if you were to know which of the two would be more effective, you could easily decide the settle the debate immediately. Both the mediums are effective in one way or other, and it all boils down to your brand requirements. Let’s look at which of the two can be more efficient and effective for your brand –

Outlets and platforms of publishing voice-based messages are as strong as for textual content

If blogs, forums, directories, and social networks are for text-based content, then you also have a podcast, audio books, YouTube and Vimeo like outlets for podcasts

More than the publishing or broadcasting platform, it’s the simplicity with which the message is delivered that can help brands build their presence in the market

Whether to go for text or voice messages is a decision best taken after analyzing the communication styles and preference of your audience

Impactful content in any form will do the trick and this suggests you to first know the audience before choosing blogging or podcast

Brands can include both blog and audio in their marketing mix, and look to experiment a bit before realizing the actual ROI

Although texts are good from search engine perspective and from site’s rankings point of view, your podcast too might deliver similar results if promoted well across digital channels

Both the routes are thus fruitful depending on your specific requirement and you can choose the one that does the job for you

In overall, it’s always helpful to consult a top digital marketing company to devise a proper strategy for your brand building in the digital world. Once that happens, you can expect to reach out to the audience easily and expand your footprints on the web easily.