As there is a ton of game guide apps available on the Google Play Store, I have included some popular ones in the list. Check back as we add more apps to this list as trends change, and new games become chart toppers. I’m personally not a great fan of game guides for Android because I like to invest time in discovering things myself. But try playing the 531st level on Candy Crush and you will run for a guide. It’s no shame to seek a little help from a friendly guide. Note: The best game guide apps for Android were tested on a Samsung Galaxy Note III. Not all of the game guides refer to the games available on Android platform. Two of them will cover games in general. Because every gamer needs a helping hand, whether the game is on Android, PC or consoles. I tested the apps by using their tricks in the games and found them to be trustworthy. Warning: Try to steer away from game cheat apps for Android. Those are shady, and I absolutely do not trust any app that needs permission to mess with the files. There is very slim chance that these game cheat apps on Android will even work. You will be better off downloading modified APK files (scan them too) than loading your phone with malware. Overall I recommend you win the good old-fashioned way.
1. Strategy for League of Legends
These were the best game guide apps for Android. If you need a guide for a game you love, feel free to drop a comment below. I will find the guide and include it on this very list for your reading pleasure. League of Legends is one game that makes me rage uncontrollably. I even had one account banned for 200 years. Still I go back to the game now and then to enjoy some multiplayer competitiveness. League of Legend is a very deep game. Players need to know about each champion and their abilities to do well. League of Legends Guide on Android provide you with lots of in-depth detail of all the champions in the game. It also tells you about the masteries, spells, items, and timers. Free Version If you have any questions or requests, kindly contact me in the comments as well. I usually stick my head into the comments section almost every day, and we can have a lovely conversation. Now go ahead and be better at gaming! Featured Image Credit