And a digital nomad life might specifically call for mindfulness when being away from family gets tough or when your internet goes out for the third time today. We have six practices that will help you keep your center grounded and ready for what the day has in store for you. Write down everything you’re thankful for in your life. We suggest making it a habit to write down at least three things you’re grateful for today. They can be anything from being thankful for the ability to walk to gratefulness for having healthy children to gratitude for your hobby. Practicing gratitude will help you stay mindful by helping you see the beauty in your life. Notice where you’re holding your tension. Relax your face, shoulders, and back. As a remote worker, take advantage of going outside and enjoying your surroundings while taking deep breaths, or find a comfortable spot on your couch to relax and breathe deeply. Bringing attention to your body and mind will help you recognize what you personally need, stay present during your work calls, and give your undivided attention to your child. Being mindful can slip away when you’re constantly on the go and worrying about your to-do list. When you’re working hours at a time, make a point to take a 10-minute break each hour or two. You’ll find yourself more refreshed when you come back to your computer. Yoga will also help with any aches and pains you might endure while sitting for a long period of time. While you’re in child’s pose or downward facing dog, focus on your breath and pay attention to your body’s positioning. Writing down how you’re feeling helps prioritize your concerns, improve your mood, and identify negative thoughts while giving an opportunity for positive self-talk. We’ve all experienced that moment when someone is speaking, but it’s hard to pay attention because something much greater is clouding our minds. Writing down your thoughts will make your problems feel smaller and help you stay present during these times. You don’t need to get everything done today. Write down a list of a few things you can realistically do by the end of the day and just focus on those. Other unimportant things can wait while quality time with your dog cannot. You’re already Superman or Supergirl in their eyes.