
Well, the main reason for that is pretty simple. The consumer who shops online has entirely different preferences than a typical customer that might walk into a brick and mortar store. In fact, this is the main stumbling block that many businesses face as they build a website and think that would be enough to create an online presence. So how do you create a brand online? That’s the question that we are going to answer today. We will come up with 3 simple steps that will have your online presence blossoming in no time.   While having a responsive and fast loading website is definitely a pro, most online businesses have already nailed that aspect of the design using services like Wix to create websites that scale brilliantly from desktop to smartwatches and everything in between. However, while a choice of platform and design language are certainly influencing factors, none of that matters if you don’t have something that immediately catches your audience’s attention. One of the best ways to do that is to have a name that turns heads a professionally designed logo to go along with it! While the first part is something that you’d have to sweat over,  Wix.com Logo Maker makes sure that creating a logo is as a hassle-free process as possible. Of course, once you have their attention on your page, the next step is to create engaging content that would not only make your audience read through the entire thing but also encourage him to comment, share his opinions and basically become part of your online community.   Now even if you fail to nail the engagement part on your content, that doesn’t mean your opportunity has been lost! Most people who shop online are also avid social media users and you can connect with them on various platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and even Snapchat. Having a strong unified brand presence across all social media platforms along with a responsive PR team who can handle all your customer enquiries will take you a long way towards establishing yourself as a brand on the internet. There is one problem though- if you are a small business that is just starting out, sometimes it can be difficult to find people who’d be interested in your product or services- after all social media is pretty vast and advertising on these platforms is still pretty much a hit or miss. This is where connecting with micro-niche social media influencers especially those who have avid followers can help increase your reach tremendously without blowing a giant hole in your wallet.   Everyone who has ever tried to improve their rankings on Google or attempted to get better online visibility for their brand has come across the term SEO. But what does SEO actually mean and what is a cost effective way of doing it? Well, the first part is pretty simple- it is a series of on page and off page optimisations to your content as well as website structure that makes your content better suited to be indexed at the top of relevant Google searches. Now there are no hard and fast rules to testing and most of the experts out there have gained their knowledge through extensive A/B testing and years of experience. For a newcomer, if you’d want to do it all by yourself that would take up a lot of time as well as money. That is why we always suggest that you take the help of trained SEO professionals when it comes to ranking your website as some methods can negatively impact your ratings and at worst even get you banned from using Google AdSense. Well as they say knowledge is power and now you guys know of the three main tricks that you need to keep in mind in order to establish your brand online. Do remember that like any brick and mortar businesses, the more eyeballs you get on your website, the better it is. So do not shy away from unconventional means and if you get the chance, guest post and add micro blogs about your content on other relevant sites so that you can have their audience base come to have a look at what you’ve got going on. The Internet is still pretty young and there is a lot of room for improvement and growth so even if you stumble on your first step, don’t lose hope! Your brand is an extension of your identity and your business ethos and if you keep these 3 simple steps in mind, there can be nothing that can stand in your path towards creating a diverse Online Presence.