The best and viable way to attract a number of users while offering them the best in class service can be done only through the mobile app. There are millions of apps available in the mobile app store and users are downloading the app according to the need and feature of the app. Hence, many businesses are also coming up with the idea of using the app to promote their business all the more. Since the competition in the market is already stiff and tight, in such a situation if an app requires to stay in the market then it should be flawless in every way. To beat the heat along with offering the best user experience, it is important that the app is constantly getting updates and changes according to the feedback. Hence, to make the app more effective and error-free, there are various different mobile app testing methods available. Few among them are:  


It is one of the most critical yet the most important Quality analysis tasks. Compatibility test ensures that a given and developed application works intended with the operating systems selected prior to selected devices. Moreover, it also checks if together the operating system and the devices are working according to the screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware. In short, it helps in defining the compatibility combinations of various different devices for ultimately meeting the needs and requirements of the customers around.  


To break the app monopoly in the market, your app should always stand out from the crowd in terms of ideas, features, UI, etc.  But, in the case of Functionality, the mobile application should be tested before the release in order to check the core function of the app. With it, developers can easily test if the app is working as per the expectations or not. Meanwhile, running the test on real devices will surely bring out the errors and issues more precisely which can be corrected accordingly.  


Users take no time in uninstalling the app, hence the app should always work flawlessly in any circumstances. Hence, to cope up with such situations, interruption testing takes place. It is a process that is like a dummy of the unexpected issue in the application. Basically, it is a way that replicates the abrupt interruption or error in the app in order to understand how an app behaves in such a situation. Moreover, depending on the application, these kinds of tests can take place easily and efficiently. In any case, the main motive is to get the final app flawless and free of errors.  


It is often said reel life is a reflection of real life, the same is the story of apps. Native people want their app to work according to their taste. That is why localization testing is important. This method of testing checks if the app is working according to the local settings along with customizing it as per the country, region, zone along with language. There are various different elements in the process of localization like time zone, addresses, phone numbers, design, layout, graphics, etc. In short, it is a technique which enables if a user is getting things according to their requirement.  


Among other issues, memory leakage is the most common flaw which leads to killing the app. The mobile application certainly carries a lower memory graph, hence there are more chances of memory leakage in an application. Memory leakage testing is again important to check the app in order to cope with memory leakage situation. There is a sea full of apps available in the market and users have no time to remain stick to one app as they have options to choose from.  


This is the most important and necessary stage of the mobile application process. It begins before the process of software development. Testers are generally given some sort of charts, layouts, and other required documents meant for the completeness of the app. However, the chances of contradictions cannot be ignored, hence after resolving the contradiction issues, the development process then starts.  


The testing takes place in order to ensure the convenience of using an application. Usability testing is basically performed to develop the easy-to-use and fast application. Satisfaction, efficiency, and effectiveness are the most basic criteria of this testing technique.  


To ensure the graphic user interface of the app, user interface testing is performed. As UI is like the face of the brand, hence it should be precisely developed with apt and required graphics. One who is developing the app should be aware of the latest tools for great UX design. Attractive things do catch attention. If we talk about the mobile application then its UI is the first thing that decides the fate of the app. Users are choosy and very picky while selecting an app, hence its interface should be attractive and simple to hold the audience to the particular platform.  


Security is the concern of every user, hence security testing is an absolute need. It is basically aimed to check the system security. Since it is meant to check the security of the system, it also analyzes the risks and issues associated with it. With this testing, it is always aimed at a holistic approach of protection from hackers, unauthorized access from external sources, viruses, etc.    


It takes less time to uninstall an app as compared to installation time. Hence, users decide the future of an app. Recovery testing is meant to check if an application is capable enough to withstand and successfully recover from the failures. The failures can take place due to any reason like errors in software, communication problems, connectivity issues and many more. There is a long list of verification list for recovery testing process.  


Also called compliance testing, conformance testing is performed in order to check if an app is capable enough to meet the market standards along with enterprise policy guidelines. The testing is basically focused on two areas like app store guidelines and enterprise policy. The market has laid its own guidelines, terms, and conditions, hence an app is required to pass the guidelines along with fulfilling the guidelines of enterprise policy.  

Even after qualifying from various testing techniques, if an app still comes up with some more errors, in that case, change related thing takes place. In such a situation, some changes are ultimately made to the code of the app. Various different tools are required in this step in order to bring out the best version of the app.  


Finally, after all the testing techniques and methods, beta testing is the stage of debugging along with exclusively checking the beta version of the program. The importance of this testing to figure out or identify the number of errors and issues before the final release of the app in the market.  


For making an app absolutely flawless and free of error, the above-mentioned testings are the ultimate way. These testing will ensure the proper functionality of the app to meet the end user experience and expectations. Meanwhile, if you are also planning to develop an app for your business, it is recommended to choose the best mobile app development company to achieve the desired and expected goal. However, if you are a startup, it is mandatory to know the best app development approach to mark your presence in the market.