When a customer is clicking on your website, the image optimization plays an important role in reducing the time taken by the page to load. If a page takes a lot of time, the customers will refrain from visiting it. Listed below are the various reasons as to why e-commerce stores should opt for image optimization.


Naming the Images

You should make use of the important keywords which will allow the web page to gain a higher rank on the search engines. This is one of the most important steps of Image Search Engine Optimization. You should ensure that the names of the files are descriptive and rich in keywords. The search engines are not only interested in crawling the text on the web pages, but they also show interest in the names of the image files. You should keep a track of the website analytics to understand the keyword patterns that are followed by the customers. Blue Host plays an important role in optimizing the images.  

Optimize the alt attributes

The text alternative of the images which cannot be rendered by a web browser is known as the alt attributes. They are used for increasing the acceptability of the web. The alt attributes help in adding a great Search Engine optimization value to the websites. It is important to add alt attributes that have relevant keywords so that you can get a better ranking in all the popular search engines. Alt attributes are the best ways in which the e-commerce products normally show up in the web search. You should describe the images in plain language so that it becomes easy for the customer.  

Choosing the angles and image dimensions wisely.

It is one of the most common practices of all the e-commerce websites to show different angles of a particular product. Considering the example of the famous Ford Mustang, it is obvious that you will not show only a particular shot of this grand car if you want to sell it. You should keep in mind that descriptions should be added to the images on the basis of the alt attributes so that it is easy for the potential searches to land on the website.  

Reduce the size of the images

There are some factors that you have to consider when you are optimizing the images on the e-commerce website that you own. Almost 50% of your customers impatient and will not wait for the website to load. In these cases, you must reduce the size of the images so that it does not take long for the website to open. If your customers have to wait for 15 seconds, there are chances that they will never come back to your website.  

Choosing the right file size

You have to make use of the three types of files that are used for posting images on the web. These are the JPEG, PNG, and GIF. These file types allow the images to load swiftly and easily.  

Optimize the thumbnails

The e-commerce websites make use of the thumbnail images, mostly on the category pages. They help in showing the products and do not take a lot of space. However, it can affect the time taken by the page to load. You should ensure that the size of the thumbnails is small. This will keep the thumbnails proper, and your website will not take much time to load. You can try out this great android app Youtube Thumbnail Maker for making your thumbnails on the go. Image Optimization is extremely complex, but you have to master this art if you want your customers to return.