If your website does not show up on the first page of a search result, it translates to low traffic on your website, meaning potential customers do not even know that you exist. In such a scenario, it makes complete sense to hire a reliable Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Consultant.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the practice of increasing and improving the number of visitors to a particular website by improving the website’s ranking in the algorithm of search engine results. In other words, SEO helps to improve the ranking of your website on Google, which in turn increases the traffic on your website and result in higher profits. According to research, websites that show up on the first page of Google receive almost 95% of clicks, which means browsers choose to visit websites that pop up on the first page of Google after their search.  

Why does your business need an SEO Consultant?

Over the past few years, the digital landscape has changed constantly, and to keep up with these changing scenarios, businesses need an effective digital marketing strategy. Increased traffic on your website: An improved ranking in the SERPS – search engine results pages – can lead to increased traffic, and SEO helps to achieve just that. Return on Investment: SEO helps businesses get a better return on their investment from their websites. An SEO Consultant London is able to track every angle of the marketing strategy that can increase a website’s traffic, ranking and conversions. In the case of e-commerce websites, a consultant can check how an inquiry for a product converts to an actual sale, which includes even tracking the keywords that are used for search before a purchase is made. User experience: SEO consultants can help you to make your website easier to navigate. They help to rearrange the website’s architecture and links to child pages (within the website) making them easier to find as well as navigate. In short, they improve and enhance the user experience. It is cost effective: Due to its ability to target audience who are actively looking for a product or service online, SEO has emerged as a cost effective marketing strategy. Inbound leads, cost 61% less than outbound leads, such as direct mail or cold calling – Business 2 community Increase your brand awareness: When your business website shows up as a top search result, it not only leaves a significant impression on the audience but also builds trust. A better ranking in search engine helps to associate your brand with your content. No need for paid advertising: If your business website has a strong SERPS position you do not need to shell out more for paid marketing tools. An ongoing SEO campaign can keep working 24/7 at no ongoing, additional cost. Customer attribution with SEO: Customers either make a purchase by clicking on a paid advertisement or coming to your website directly. SEO helps in increasing customer attribution points. Attribution can be defined as the number of times the audience sees your brand. A customer is more likely to make a purchase if they see your brand more. Explore new markets with SEO: Once a website is optimized, you can expand your business with targeted keywords. You can choose the keywords based on a new product or service that you want to promote. An SEO consultant will help to drive qualified traffic to the new offerings and enable your entry into new markets.  

Summing up!

SEO has a significant influence on buying decisions, mainly due to trust and credibility. An SEO consultant has the knowledge of search engine and SEO tools, along with strong business acumen you need to drive sales and conversions and grow your business.